The Pale – October 2023

Good Gentles of the Middle Kingdom,

The Pennsic War is over, and now Our great Kingdom’s War Populace have returned to their families and homes with the war pay from Their Gracious Majesties, King Louis and Queen Sadb. We hope all who attended had a wonderful time. We wish Our Predecessors well as they settle back into the lands of Roaring Wastes as Baron and Baroness.

Now that the great people of the Kingdom have returned home, We prepare for the crisp air of Autumn and then the frost of Winter. We are excited to be able to serve as your King and Queen during these times and wish to continue the growth of this prosperous Kingdom. In the coming months, We are excited to see new faces and remember long-standing friendships, to hear your stories and enjoy your passions, but also inspire those to join Us on pilgrimages to distant lands to strengthen the bonds of the Society.

Ever Forward,

Wigthegn and Neassa
Princeps and Principissa